
The best way to contact me is to subscribe to my newsletter and respond to the confirmation email that you’ll receive right after signing up (or any other email, of course).

I know. This kind of sucks. But after having an “open” contact page for two years, my inbox got so stuffed that, eventually, tons of spam spilled all over my desk. Yikes. So, even though this new way might seem inconvenient, I can make sure that (a) you’re a human being and (b) you have something more to say than, “You’ve won a brand new iPhone 15!!”. Plus, my desk stays clean (okay, somewhat clean), and I’m more likely to get back to you.


“I successfully implemented the system known as Inbox Zero, but I soon discovered that when you get tremendously efficient at answering emails all that happens is that you get much more email.”

Oliver Burkeman, Four Thousand Weeks